Rapid Transformational Therapy: Hypnosis for Self-Esteem & Confidence

Posted by:pnorrish onJune 13, 2018

Rapid Transformational Therapy is a way to repair or build self esteem and confidence. While there are many different reasons a person can suffer from low self esteem, there are a few that are most common.

These include:

Belittling Parents

Having parents or other authority figures that were constantly critical is one of the major factors for low self-esteem. Some people were criticized in their youth however hard they tried. This kind of negative reinforcement easily translates into adulthood unless these folks find proper treatment options

Rapid Transformational Therapy is a solution. This process has been developed over the last 30 years by its creator, Marisa Peer. One of RTT’s applications with the best results is in helping people build their self-confidence and self-esteem.

Being Bullied

Having low self-esteem and low confidence can affect nearly every aspect of your life. Children who suffer from this psychological ailment are often called underachievers. Adults who leave it untreated can go through life without reaching their full potential.

Being bullied as a child is another one of the factors that can contribute to low self-esteem. The effects of being bullied at home are magnified by life outside. There are many different trust issues involved.


One of the biggest contributing factors to low self-esteem, unsurprisingly, is emotional, psychological or physical abuse. For example, children who live with alcoholic parents can grow up with a negative belief system about their own self-worth. They might even see themselves to blame for the situation.

Hypnosis and more specifically RTT, can help people who suffer from this psychological ailment to rewire their way of thinking. It’s a powerful way of teaching people how to be positive and reach their full potential.

Remember, changing your thought habits can change the way you act and feel about yourself. Modern hypnosis understands how your thinking is the fundamental building block that precedes any action you take.

There are even a series of belief systems that can perpetuate low self-esteem. For example, if you truly believe that you are not good enough, nothing outside of yourself will ever make you feel good enough about yourself. This can lead people to feel ashamed and disappointed with any and all of their efforts.

Starting on the path to a new life is about utilizing a life-changing method like Rapid Transformation Therapy.

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